The Academic Advising Plan
East Georgia State College

Approved by Academic 政策 and Curriculum Committee 6/29/20 
Approved by the Faculty Senate:6/29/20 
Approved by the President: 6/30/20 

EGSC作为一个团队开展学术咨询工作,每个成员都是团队成员 team having a clear understanding of his or her role in advising students. 这个团队 成员包括学生,他们有责任确定自己的学术目标; 专业的学术指导人员,他们的训练和专业知识将指导学生 through the variety of programs that are available to them; full-time faculty, whose experience in their disciplines is an invaluable resource to students. 每个成员 团队成员将与其他人和谐合作,以帮助学生选择 from the courses and programs of study offered 在EGSC. 

根据修订后的BOR政策(见附录A), EGSC采取以下措施 framework for academic advising on all campuses: 

1. EGSC学术顾问为学生提供学习支持要求 并帮助学生遵循指定的指导学术途径(gap) and graduation plans. 

2. 双录取 students will be advised by the 双录取 Coordinator. 

3. 学生运动员将由学习公地助理处长指导 for 军事 Resource Center and Athletic Advisement. · 

Please refer to the Academic Advisement Plan for Athletes 有关详细信息,. 

4. Faculty Advisors will advise students without learning support requirements. 

应该强烈鼓励学生在30岁之前选择专业 学时,并将分配给教师顾问在他们出席的第一个学期 在EGSC,这是如果学生没有学习支持的要求,并且是 not assigned to professional academic advising staff. Students who declare a major 由EGSC支持的学生可以申请转到该项目的指导老师那里, 如果符合条件. Students who do not declare a major supported by EGSC will be advised as General Studies majors. Students in the General Studies program who know what their 专业将在另一个机构应建议由教师的学科 area most closely relates to the student's intended major. 

5. 无论获得多少学分,所有学生都将保留Advisor hold. 

所有学生都必须与指定的学术或指导老师见面 prior to registering for classes. The benefits of this requirement are twofold: first, it will reduce the number of mistakes that result from student "self-advising"; and 其次,学院可以使用顾问持有,以确保学生遵守联邦法律 学生资助条例禁止联邦资助被用于 do not correspond to a student's degree program. 

6. 每学年,如有需要,学校会提供最新的培训 all academic/faculty advisors. 

第二节.7 of the USG Academic and Student Affairs Handbook, states "Each institution 应建立与学术建议相关的培训课程,以便教师 顾问知道与核心课程相关的规章制度, academic transfer, student status, and grading policies." 

培训课程将由能够提供最新信息的人员进行 十大彩票游戏平台学术咨询实践,USG学术咨询倡议的实施 (e.g. 数学途径),政策和程序的变化,以及修订 to advising documents (e.g. 空白). These updates will ensure that advisors provide students with accurate and helpful information. 

为特殊学生群体(如科雷尔十大彩票平台)提供额外的培训课程 and student-athletes) will be scheduled as needed. 

7. 学生将被分配给全职教师顾问,以确保 parity of distribution. 

重要的是,没有一个指导老师的学生过多,而其他人却有 太少了,因此每个学院的院长将确保顾问分配的平等 在教师. 

8. 指导教师有充分的自由裁量权使用他们的每周办公时间 their advising duties. 

Appendix 1: Guiding Statements for Academic Advisement 

Board of Regents 政策 on Academic Advising 

第三节.9 of the Regents' Policy Manual: “每个美国政府机构应保持一个学术建议框架,以发展认知 以及每个学生的非认知技能,这些技能可以促进富有成效的学术思维 并导致对教育,职业和个人目标的清晰理解 and a plan to achieve those goals." 

第二节.7 of the Academic and Student Affairs Handbook: “各院校在设立学术机构时,应遵循这些一般准则 咨询项目: 

        • 各院校应在学术范围内建立学术指导程序 units that comprise the college or university. 
        • 这些学术指导程序在应用上应具有最低限度的基线统一性 and simultaneously be tailored to the specific needs of individual students. 
        • 各院校应设立与学术咨询相关的培训课程 这样,指导教师就知道与之相关的规章制度 the core curriculum, academic transfer, student status, and grading policies. 
        • 在学术单位以外设有咨询单位的院校将负责 及时了解所订课程及要求的变化 by the institution and individual academic units. 
        • 学生十大彩票游戏平台学术指导的申诉将在机构申诉之后进行 过程.” 

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) 

12节.1: “学校提供适当的学术和学生支持项目、服务, and activities consistent with its mission (学术 & 学生支持 Services).” 

Council for Advancement (CAS) in Standards in Higher Education 

来自CAS: “学术咨询人员可以是全职或兼职的专业人员 advising is a primary or secondary function; they also may be faculty members whose responsibilities include advising. Paraprofessionals (e.g., graduate students, interns, or assistants) and peer advisors may assist advisors." 

National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) 

从NACADA: “全国学术咨询协会(NACADA)由专业人士组成 以及指导老师、管理人员、学生和其他有主要兴趣的人 in the practice of academic advising. With diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and 经验,NACADA成员在各种环境和工作中提出建议,以提高质量 academic advising within their institutions. NACADA recognizes and celebrates the 专业人士、教师、准专业人士和同行顾问对会议的贡献 咨询行业. NACADA acknowledges the complex nature of higher education institutions 以及学术咨询在其中所扮演的角色,各种各样的环境和 学术顾问的职责,以及顾问的不同背景和经验. NACADA提供了一份核心价值观声明,以确认内部建议的重要性 该学院承认咨询互动对个人的影响, institutions and society... The Statement of Core Values does not attempt to dictate 进行学术咨询的方式或过程 advocate one particular advising philosophy or model over another."