Adopted by President’s Cabinet 05/28/2019
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/22/19; 2/7/22, 8/9/23; 5/21/24

这项政策适用于东乔治亚州的所有教职员工、学生和访客 州立学院(EGSC). Parking Services are administered by the Business Affairs unit -辅助服务,由斯温斯伯勒EGSC警察部门执行. 运输 服务由商业事务组-辅助服务管理 在斯温斯伯勒的主校区. This policy does not apply to EGSC Augusta and EGSC Statesboro: 管理十大彩票游戏平台和斯泰茨伯勒EGSC的停车和运输服务 by Augusta University and Georgia Southern University, respectively.

I. 成本

对于斯温斯伯勒的学生来说,停车是一项强制性的费用,包括在每个学生的学费中 学期. The parking fee is $15 per 学期. Faculty, staff, retiree, and visitor permits are issued at no cost for one permit. 收费5美元.额外收费00美元 或者更换许可证.

II. 允许发行

所有斯温斯伯勒校区学生的车辆必须在商务办公室登记 and must display a student parking decal. Student parking decals are issued in the Business Office located in the Student Center. Decals must be affixed to the vehicle 在后玻璃上,左边,不迟于第二周上课的第一天. 将颁发独特的停车标志,以区分通勤学生 vehicles and resident student vehicles. In the event a student must temporarily utilize 与登记车辆不同的车辆,由学生自行负责 ,向EGSC警务处申请临时访客通行证,并展示 通过车辆. 临时访客 pass hang tags may only be valid for a maximum 20天.

对于教职员工,许可证由位于学生的人力资源部门颁发 Center. 新员工在入职过程中获得许可 在校园停车时,必须出示已签发的许可证. 更换 和/或额外的许可证一经雇员支付费用即签发 Business Office and then presents a receipt to Human Resources.

3. 指定停车场

Vehicles must be parked in marked parking spaces.

没有被标识指定为“访客停车场”的白线空间是开放的 任何人在校园内停车(学生、访客、教职员工).

黄色线的停车位在8点之间被指定为教职员工停车位 a.m. 还有5p.m. 星期一至星期五. Current visible permits must be displayed.

Orange-lined spaces are designated as Service/Delivery parking only. 教职员工 are not authorized to park in Service/Delivery spaces.

Blue-lined spaces are designated as Handicap parking. Handicap parking is only for 那些持有乔治亚州颁发的残疾许可证的个人,只能 for the person to whom the permit is issued. In the instance of a temporary handicap, 授权EGSC警察部门签发临时残疾许可证 use on campus only, for a period not to exceed ten days. State law prohibits the use 由非残疾人士签发的残疾许可证 and the EGSC 警察局 will enforce the state law.

学生员工不得将车停在教师/工作人员指定的(黄线)内。 parking spaces during the hours of 8 a.m. 还有5p.m. 星期一至星期五.

访客停车场设有访客停车标志. 尽管游客 是否可以在校园内任何白线车位停车,教职员工和学生都不行 allowed to park in designated Visitor Parking at any time.

山猫别墅居民停车场被指定为标志和绿线空间 Parking Lots P-9 and P-14. Green-lined parking spaces are reserved for the exclusive use of registered resident student vehicles. Residents’ vehicles must be registered 与商务办公室联系,并出示学生宿舍停车贴. In 居民临时使用非登记车辆的; 居民有责任办理临时访客证 the EGSC 警察局 and display the 通过车辆. 临时访客 pass hang tags may only be valid for a maximum 20天.

Veteran’s Parking is designated by signage in each parking lot. These spaces are reserved 为那些在军队服役的人,作为EGSC对他们服务的一种尊重.

预留予房屋署署长及警察/公众人士专用的员工停车位 Safety vehicles are designated with signage. Unauthorized parking in these spaces is prohibited and shall be enforced 24 hours a day.

一般来说,在校园的某些地方会有预留停车位 for periods of time less than one day. For reserved parking spaces, a Facilities Request 必须在需要访客预留空间的活动中提交, 设施申请必须注明访客的日期/时间/地点/姓名 which the request is made. Facilities Requests are submitted via the College’s online 请求系统位于 In Swainsboro, bus parking will be allowed in Parking Lots P3 and P13. 代表 从安排校园访问的实体将得到指示 机构发展主任(非体育项目)或体育协会 Director (for athletic events). For all reserved parking, temporary signage and barricades (圆锥体)将由EGSC警务处放置于适当位置.

在某些情况下,可要求预留特别停车位 uses such as employee recognition programs. Cabinet-level approval from the appropriate Unit Head is required for special reserved parking spaces.

临时泊车证免费发放,在EGSC警察局 在Swainsboro. Temporary parking permits are issued for short-term use (generally (少于六个月)定期访港人士,例如承办商、临时雇员、退休人士、 和供应商.

IV. Motorcycle/Scooter Parking

摩托车和踏板车不需要出示停车许可证. 司机的 这些车辆必须向EGSC警察局登记 and must park in the appropriate parking space for motorcycles. 摩托车及踏板车 may not be parked on sidewalks, grass, or near campus buildings.

V. Towing and Immobilization

收到两次罚单,车主却没有回应的车辆 (通过成功的上诉或付款)将被放置在拖车/固定 列表. 在发出传票后,本署会以书面通知车主. 第三次引证将导致车辆被拖走或被汽车行李箱固定 installed by the EGSC 警察局. 所有 fines, including a boot removal fee, must be paid before a vehicle is released. In addition, a vehicle may be immediately 在没有事先通知的情况下,如果出现交通安全隐患,或者如果车辆 启动不可用. EGSC assumes no responsibility for damage as a result of a vehicle being towed or immobilized. The owner of said vehicle is responsible for the 拖车费用.

VI. 事故

在校园内发生致人受伤或死亡事故的司机 造成财产损坏的,应当立即将车辆停在事故现场 the accident and must contact the EGSC 警察局. The driver of said vehicle 应该留在车里,直到警察到达,并且必须出示他们的驾驶执照 执照和有效的车辆保险在警员到达现场时交给他们.

7. 限速和交通

除非另有说明,否则校园道路和街道的限速为每小时15英里. 发布 speed limits must be observed. Pedestrians have the right of way, and caution must be exercised by drivers at all times.

除本条例所载规定外,《十大彩票游戏平台》的所有规定 守则在校园内适用. EGSC 警察局 officers may cite violators under the EGSC Traffic Regulations or the 乔治亚州交通法.

8. 上诉

停车罚单可向主管商务事务的副总裁或其指定人员提出申诉; within five (5) business days. The right to appeal is denied after five days. 所有 appeal decisions are final. Citations must be paid before an appeal is made. 上诉 表格可在斯温斯伯勒的EGSC警察局办公室索取.

违例停车的标准罚款可在“杂项”一栏找到 学费 & 费用页面.